ISO Training
All about Management System Standards
ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)
1. ISO 9001 Executive Briefing
Learning Objectives:
Understand & apply philosophy of 8 Quality Management principles, concepts and requirements of the ISO 9001 ‘Process Based’ & ‘PDCA’ QMS Model.
Develop participants’ ability to develop Implementation Strategies.
Target: Executives who have no time to attend lengthy courses are provided with Vital information on QMS Concept, Strategy for Implementation, Status Analysis and Certification Achievement.
2. ISO 9001 Quality System Internal Auditor Course
Learning Objectives:
Describe and explain the evolution, purpose and benefits of a ‘Process Based’ & ‘PDCA’ QMS System and the 8 quality management principles
Understand the intent, content and interrelationship of the ISO 9000 family
Plan & conduct a “Process Approach” audit effectively
Target : Middle management, engineers, supervisors or personnel performing internal quality system audit.
3. ISO 9001 Introduction and Implementation
Learning Objectives:
Understand the principles, concept and requirements of the ISO 9001 ‘Process Based’ QMS model.
Understand the additional flexibility allowed by the lastest edition in QMS documentation & “Value” of documentation & its implemtation.
Target : Personnel in middle management, engineers/supervisors, document controllers and those who are mission specific.
4. ISO 9001 Introduction and Awareness Course
Learning Objectives:
Gain an overview of the ISO 9001 ‘Process Based’ QMS Model.
Understand the requirements of the ISO 9001, its relevance and importance to your job performance
Target : Supervisory level and operations staff.
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